Thursday, July 31, 2014

SH123 - Achieve A Cognition

video: Ookii Ichinensei to Chiisana Ninensei (Anime Mirai/Young Animator Training Project 2014)
music: Dysentery - "Pernicious Passing"
link: zippyshare [33.2 MB]
editor: Magix 2.0+ deLuxe
production date: July 2014

I've done better trigger work than this; indeed, the next video on the list is almost solely focused on doing blastbeats properly.  However, it's not often that I've done quite so many.  There are 139 cuts in this video, total, and 39 of them are triggered strobes.  Per the limitations of the tracking format I put together three computers and 13 years ago, when I was still working in a linear editor, this one is a lot faster (0.94 spc to 1.16 spc) faster than the last one, but if you treat triggers as an effect, it becomes a more normal 1.3 to 1.32.  Most of the ones that are in the video work, even if some aren't optimally located.  It's the ones that aren't in the video that cause problems, and again, the next video is about precise location and optimal handling of blastbeats, because this is something you can't get away from if you're going to work with death metal.

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